Tastes of Summer

I have never been a big fan of summer simply because I am a polar bear at heart and the heat really is trying. It is hard for me to remember how we survived growing up without air conditioning although I do remember being scolded many a time for sticking my head in the freezer just to breathe cool air. That being said though, I do love the tastes of summer. While I grill year round (and have stood in the snow barefoot while checking something cooking), there is definitely something defintive about fresh vegetables and the smell of grills that does make summer seem almost worthwhile.

ckHello Mike,
I come from Catalina's Blog.
My english is not really good but I enjoyed to see your blog, so I decided to let a little comment for asking you how you looks like a really good cookers. I hope you won't be a polar bear to read my comment and excuse my faults.
Bon appétit Mike, enjoy your meal!
I do like polar bears when their fond of poetry. I also come from Catalina's and really think Claude is too modest. If I have enough time to go, please do these tremendous mixed grilled things to me... I'm already hungry for that kid of BBQ.
Thank you very much for stopping by to visit. I do enjoy cooking (almost as much as I enjoy eating :). Your English is fine and you are more than welcome to drop by any time you feel the need to have your appetite stoked. Cheers :)
Hmm..I think I will have to owe Catalina a debt of gratitude for the kind visitors that are coming from her blog. Poetry is the language of the heart and as such is always nice. Stop on by and I'll fire up the grill. I am always up for good food and good company. Cheers :)
hey! this guy (Mike) can cook really well!!
hehe I am thinking of some yummy seasoned shrimps with grilled pineapple..aaaaaah I'm dribbling!! :D oh yes, he CAN cook really well! me? I'm a happy woman :D
JOYEUX ANNIVERSAIRE! hey! your french is just perfect! where did you learn?
I wish you a wonderful day and plenty of good things for ever!
Thank you very much, Caty!! I wish I could say that I knew any French at all but I have never had the opportunity to learn. Thankfully there are translation tools on the internet that help even though their translations tend to be a bit off because they are usually very literal. It is enough to understand the main point to something and express it in return. Cheers and thanks again :)
Happy birthday Mike!
So, I'm Leo also. Thanks for your post, I'm on hollidays, I'll be back end of august but if I'd Net I'll watch your blog. Never mind if you 'dn't opportunity to learn French, it'snt really a problem.
Plenty good thinks
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