Saturday, November 18, 2006

God of the universe that is within us

Staring at the star specked sky
I am left to wonder at meaning
in this enveloping panorama
ever so steadily sliding by.

The scale is far too grand.
How can I comprehend infinite
when I am defined by limits,
but how can I fathom a limit
knowing not the other side?

Ten planets orbiting the sun,
we mere specks on an electron,
contained within the molecule
that we call the milky way.

Perception then is the quandary
and I am looking the wrong way
for I must be a vast universe
to the speck on an electron
that is contained within me

It must be beyond that speck
to know of what it is a part,
but I cannot help but know
that I am comprised by it.

As we are specks in God's universe
perhaps we are the all encompassing
God of the universe in each of us.
Eternal by the arbitrary measure
of time within an electron's orbit.



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