Friday, November 24, 2006


After a recent post by A., I decided to cease deleting spam messages to my gmail account (which bordered on an OCD compulsion) and just really see how many I get per day...and more precisely in a week. I began this just before midnight on Friday exactly a week ago. I have started typing this just before midnight this Friday. At this very moment I have 335 messages in my spam box on gmail. Easily 90% of them involve Viagra, Cialis, and\or some other form of male performance or size enhancement. The remaining 10% involve drugs (prescription) in general, software, or just outright porn solicitations.

The biggest thing I am left to truly wonder is what kind of moron actually responds to these kind advertisements to make them profitable and\or worthwhile to continue to be such a nuisance and so frequent in occurrence. I have to assume that people do actually respond to them for the nuisance to continue.

I personally have always had an extreme hatred of junk mail, telemarketing, and spam. I have never returned a telemarketing call and have always cut short anyone I had the misfortune of picking up to hear the beginning of their pitch. I have returned some junk mail at times with coupons from another source just to know that they paid for the return mail as well.

While bemoaning telemarketing calls in the past before the "do not call" list, I was shocked and finally understood the motivation to find out that it was a multi-billion dollar a year business for companies that engaged in that kind of supreme annoyance. No wonder they are so persistent and willing to lose money on the likes of me.

The sad thing is that particularly in the case of spam there is a very real cost to the victim associated with the reality of trying to block this waste of human potential both in bandwidth requirements and temporary storage which is also projected into the billions globally.

In my former company of nearly 25,000 email users, roughly 1 million spam messages per month were blocked (which carries a distinct cost both in mail performance and software to perform the check)....and we still got a sad amount of SPAM to waste storage space.


Blogger Andrea Lopez Estrada said...

I've been...well busy at school and I haven't visited many blogs. But I came in here and I found the photo (below) and now I'm crying...I want to eaaaat!!! Shrimps!!!!! Anyway, far I have no spam mails in my gmail but yahoo is a nightmare, I have tons of mails from mysterious people that send disturbing emails
about the end of the world or things like that. (sigh)


November 27, 2006 at 10:19:00 PM EST  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

So it's very interresting, so am I for mails, it's incredible.
Happy you'll came back.
By see you soon.

November 28, 2006 at 3:17:00 PM EST  
Blogger Alex said...

what are you talking about?! I do respond to the valium emails, porn ones and mm what else... oh yes and those who said the end of the world is coming soon.. hehe you should know that before you marry me :P

December 2, 2006 at 1:30:00 AM EST  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Dear Mike,
Happy Christmas, a long time without news from you.
My best whisches for you an your familie, and your girl friend.


December 24, 2006 at 4:50:00 AM EST  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Where are you?

February 14, 2007 at 6:04:00 AM EST  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Thanks Mike for your comments, on my poétic Blog and fotographies the other one is the same.
Three place you can see me.

One professionnel:
No comments for this one

Poétic and fotos

The one same:

I enjoyed having news from you it was a long time.

A lot of kisses
I'm on hollidays upon 13 march
and happy to read you again.

February 24, 2007 at 10:46:00 AM EST  
Blogger Alex said...

we want a post!
we want a post!
we want lots of posts!!!

July 12, 2007 at 3:49:00 PM EDT  

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